As you know, we do not live alone. Our three cats and two dogs occupy quite a large space in a small, sześćdziesięciometrowym home. And I-well, I'm not sweet Panciana what this cat does not throw the chair, if you have a great desire to sit in this chair. I do not always tell the truth, sometimes furry something to convince me, but I visit often merciless. Last friend who saw me the first time introducing a subordination by ściery said somewhat indignantly, "I did not know you're so. "And as a child I was often in the countryside and przesiąkłam life and pragmatic approach to animals. My dogs never lie on a bed or a chair, because there has to be clear, the cats never go out on the table. At least for me, though sometimes I feel that the table sfruwa some fog, when I go to the kitchen, but it's certainly an impression ... I have to wash the floor
twice a week, vacuum every other day, the joke goes loot and certainly a lot of delicacies in the bowls are not no. How to become ill on account overdraft occurs. Sometimes I was very tired and angry. But we never Our animals are not hungry, and on Sundays always get a bonus flavor, and you must be. The animal is a divine creature and we must have a feast as we do.
Often these home watching furry wonders, because they are wonders, surprises me all the time. For example, talking like a cat with a dog. The dog is, the cat walks up to him.
dog collapses, acc. cat, his tail furiously at the sides. A cat, by. dog growls fiercely. But the punch line is completely unexpected. "Can I hold you?" She asks the cat. "She (meaning me) do not have the time again."
"A hug is responsible dog, for I also do not have the time. I can even lick the face and powygryzać fleas. "
One might think that at home with attrition and irrefutable prohibitions tetrapods are stressed. And I think that if they feel a strong man, you are relaxed and safe. take care.
still come across such views:
I smile. Because it's vacuuming, washing, grinding, turning into a lot of dough for a real, sincere smile (I can vouch that the most you can smile at the cat), for peace, which provide both sweetly sleeping, and being a night security guards in the woods, thanks to which dogs often end up in the same pick.
Well, whether or not it worth it? Is it not true pragmatic?
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