Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Speech Board For Stroke Patients
weather tends to yawn. Dusk fell around 9 am and just after eight hours of the siege was turned into night. And how can you not to yawn. Apparently, somewhere there are some warm countries, with the sun almost always at the zenith, but is it true? It's hard to believe.
And speaking of travel-we're going to Krempna New Year's Eve. We will live at the "Under the fir" at which the inn is Beskidzka. The resort is a remnant of communism and strongly feel it there, and what happens to me, and for the team was coming with me is an asset on the trip will be like in elementary school. The inn, where we purchased a New Year's Eve, is the barracks of OSB, with a fireplace, a great choice of beers unpasteurized , Czech and Slovak, with cheap, delicious home made food. And now for the curious, who is going to list with us: me, Alice (the girl Grzech ), Kamila, Jackie, Iwonka, Marian, Pawelosz , Kolędzioł , Greg W., Sin. Why not go and Jasper, if you into that far not chew to Afghanistan. This
ziewającego, dark, sluggish on this plan is like a small sun in my sky;)
Vehicle for Beautiful Natasha's work, Natasha rides him on the stage and apparently both she and Janusz are very pleased. My three days of production of the miracles we slept for 12 hours.
And that's it, I'm going to wrap up a blanket, lying in the dark, stare out the window waiting for my boys and try to not sleep.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Nadine Jansen Huge Things
said yesterday my son. I wonder if the age of 10 will say so too. Either way-it nightmarish adolescence poturbuje and the simple truth that reveals the back just as his mother some 20 years later. For now it is clean and clear, though at times lying.
- "Something stinks, did you shit in your pants?" I ask the house.
- "Nah, that the sewage system ..."
And sometimes it is blunt. I do everything that he felt that honesty pays, but I know after all, that's damn inconvenient for such tzyipółatka . E there, for all sometimes uncomfortable, ha ha. Today
screams of pokoju'Mama, shine light. "I ask why, because I watch tv, no bedside lamp. Nice and gloom." Because he wants to see a goat! "He shouts on." What? "I ask, naive. And he 'Z Nose. "And what do I do? Express disgust, outrage, to discourage him the truth. I know, this is no dilemma, for the past 10 years it will begin. So say the experienced.
Although the naiveté a characteristic of children , I unfortunately the przydaża . Last somewhere in the house during the hustle and bustle threw a look at biedronkowa newspaper television, and there on the cover in capital letters, "Throw pan." Oh, I thought and I thought that these newspapers are conservative, and here this agitation, that the grandmother finally came out of the kitchen, beautiful world, no no no. Some time later I looked carefully and read "Stop Smoking". Like a glorious, but oh!
Some time ago I received a phone call asking me to complete the sculpture a horse that is needed as a prop theater. I went to Szczecin, where it appeared that horse looks like a moose, and that of Chernobyl, has 3, 5 feet tall and really need it to do over again, well, almost. In the three days. And it was great. That's not irony. Just a little grappled with this, because I was alone in the big studio from morning to night, drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes, fighting with the beast. It is hard to say if I won, because metal scaffolding, which was based the entire structure was not set properly. I did what I could.
lived in peace and Breakfast in the theater.
How is the horse everyone can see. Sometimes a horse is sometimes a moose:
State Theatre is overgrown rozlicznymi, abstract employees. In the maze of corridors and smoky tunelików between klamotami years back it up your rooms with Ladybugs straight from the pack, biting roll aged, toothless man, known as Kazik. The Lord is generally to the fact that he knows where everything is. It is such a disk C for all this garbage. Tours. Another man from the second master behind the wardrobe from the spectacle of 87 year *, sipping beer, smoking papieroski, but I will be happy przytrzymają styropianik , because they are here "OD MAINTENANCE." I hahaha. You want to joke heartily. I felt instantly like a character from a book. I really enjoyed it.
I go further, husario. Theatre. Tomorrow I will be sculpted to imitate large tires car for Natasha Urbanski. Recently my husband and it made Jozefowicz. "Today nailed five of Natasha." "What is Natasha, I ask, because nobody would not expect that with this. "Urbańska. And here he began to sink. " Łaadna is, very. Prettier than on TV." And my dear husband drags on. "I thought it is high, it is about your height." You do not stand it and blurted out: "A Janusz?". "Ooo, a tall, like me. But the slim .." So I
tires for the beautiful Natasha. And unlike for example, to such a lady, who filetując tons of cold fish sometimes assisted by a phantasmagoria that perhaps in a lenten Friday that is a cardinal fish will put into its venerable mouth (why not?), just as my tire for sure, sooner or later will build shapely buttocks Beautiful Natasha.
* B ezzębnyKazik told me he was a closet-specific, I asked him about it.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Weclome New Doctor To Our Practice
Be inspired it happens sometimes and me. Today's topic arose under the influence of speech cheaper We, We at Myszogrodzie and several other contemporary bearer of and heard of different content. Who is to blame for this situation, or what? Is this a conflict of generations, jealousy, or gaps in memory, and why "these modern mother so bad cope?
visited my friend's mom that the confirmation of stereotypes, began talking about their children and grandchildren. In short, you can create a picture like this: grandchildren of these women are great, but their mother-hopeless, ill-organized, completely devoid of common sense, whether the home instinct.
Kuma gossip, wring their hands, sigh. Dispute turns into a contest for the worst and the best mother a grandchild. It's not about the conflict in-law-daughter in law, but the extent of the relationship extended to all young women involved in the offspring. If there is no Examples of the nearest gałęzi drzewa genealogicznego, wyciągane są kuzynki, sąsiadki lub koleżanki z pracy.
Należy bowiem udowodnić tezę: "Dziś one mają łatwiej niż my, a mimo to, sobie nie radzą. Nam się udało pogodzić wszystko. Budowałyśmy fabryki, szkoły oraz mosty, wychowywałyśmy dzieci, stałyśmy w kolejkach, prałyśmy stosy pieluch tetrowych i dawałyśmy sobie radę. My byłyśmy doskonałymi matkami mimo wojen, głodu czy socjalizmu. A one nic nie umieją."
Pokolenie babcine bierze współczesne mamy pod lupę. Wyciąga się "nie wiadomo co" bezlitośnie, z dziką satisfaction that I found a bug that the "pure heart" is merely points out the child's welfare. Weight wine speaks for itself:
-grandson does not eat beets,
-another drink only water (grandmother pulls their hair out, because after all, tea healthier),
-young mothers lack of patience, and in memories of my grandmother macierzństwo a period of fascination over offspring when the ever-smiling pose captures the education of angel (napomknę that I have come across the same person that throws a curse in the direction of his beloved grandchildren, when marudzili in the store.)
-young mother is not with children to the doctor and does not justify its completion in medicine, because what she knows about the children there,-nothing, after all, a young mother
-use disposable diapers, when another mother complains that these just do not use diapers,
-children have too much toys
-too little going on walks,
-children are not taught to use the potty,
-young mothers breastfeed for too long or too short, or in bizarre positions.
If I did not know either of these classmates, or their families, could I would be willing to believe the stories heard, nay, perhaps I would be ready to give them the right. But remember that those representatives of the tribe is not always the grandmothers were doing. Someone beat children extension, someone neglected teeth and the child has a crooked smile and two dead ones, someone once again passionately daughter smeared with iodine allergy, which "do not know why" does not help, and even sentenced to an additional child portion of the stinging and itching. Examples could fall like a sleeve. At the end of the discussion
largest krytykantkę asked if he knew but one person, you can give me an example of good mother.
-do not have to be a mother excellent, only a person who simply copes with dziećmi.-rectified.
-No ... There is no such Krytykantka .- She said.
-This may not be in today's mothers is the problem?
-Ah, I just always something else to improve the representative defended .- grandmothers.
-Do you know the story so far knows of only one case, when Noah was sober, and the world was flooded. Usually the opposite happens .- I could still adorn the speech with a quotation from the Bible about way of applying loads on the shoulders of others, which alone do not want to even lift a finger, or a proverb, "He forgot how to steer calf was" But I bit my tongue.
What moral flows from this history and whether or not flow? -I am not sure. Morals are not my specialty, I strongly prefer trickle malice. However, myself and other young mothers, I wish more distance to ourselves and to the stories of the older generation. There is no perfect parents, and as you can see, with these good too different sometimes. Do not expect praise rather, because we all have a tendency to focus attention on the shortcomings, if the alleged error. Us proceed with our children the basis of their goodness. Do not let them sense of observation by others and cast the others krytykanctwo the upbringing of our offspring, because it only leads to complexes, guilt and frustration. But I guess better to have a defective happy mom than a perfect frustratkę? And the advice babuń are valuable if it is not too much.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Cheesy Facebook Status
Well, it happened. bought this piece of Beskid. For now, I'm in a daze, but I'm glad to shockingly. Of course, it could not go to without surprises, we did not get the credit example, but family and friends, despite a distance as to our purchase supported, borrowed 25 of 35 thousand. Elbow and ours. Unfortunately there was not enough for the time being a part of beavers, but she will wait for us, there is no other way:)
First went alone, was fog and rain, I got slightly depressed because I could not see the NIC. Then I went with sister and her husband, and then we have a little speechless, because Beskid is, well, just-amazing, magically beautiful. Beautiful . It has no Bieszczady and Tatra cepeliady, for the moment and yet it is authentic. In each the roads leading into the depths of the great meadow we wanted to go over every stream sit and mindlessly powrzucać stones, so I do some work there.
but departed from the main thread. Sister and her husband immediately contracted the syndrome ZTNZ , or stay here forever, and join at the beginning of December to tender for the land nearby. They went, unfortunately without me, because I could not, for the geologist and Krempna This same rated at nieosuwiskowy our elbow, which was for me one of the last stress, the niedostaniu credit. Geologist assessed positively, landslides niet and remained penultimate and last test-and Mariusz and Rochowi like it. And it's a day that finally drove the three of them, Maria walked, walked, silent, in the end I said something to little delights. And he told me that it is simply moved. That is beautifully. The last test went off elbow extremely positive, because Roh shouted, "Mom, this is a mountain forest!" and rage, ran, rolled up, tore through the forest elbow.
Narwaliśmy sloe the tincture, we sent a kiss to the mountains and went to buy. We bought and we :):):)
The pictures above are our cemetery plot and of war and war. For now, our closest neighbors are Kurt, Ian , Otto and others who died here 100 years ago and using the elbow. Surprisingly, many people went to them light a candle when we buszowaliśmy on our plot, and then we took a picnic, which is encircled ground . The old man on the moped brand Romet, a teenage girl , lady, looking the retired teacher. And we lit
the torch, well befriend the neighbors of , even if they were ghosts.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
I Ripped My Leather Couch
-Mom, who is the biggest kłusownikiem?
-I do not know. Who?
-Lucky Luke.
-How? Why? - I was moved. Could Dzidek szargał reputation of one of my favorite cartoon characters?
-Because he is a horse.
-....- I lifted my eyebrows in surprise.
Dzidek spojrzał na mnie z miną oznaczającą, że znów różnica pokoleń utrudnia nam komunikację.
- Lucky Luke ma konia i na nim kłusuje. O tak: hopsa, hopsa!