Friday, May 13, 2011

Can Drinking A Lot Of Milk Cause Black Stool

Selling your home. Magnolia

Hello. Oh, I was not long, but now we have a life rich in experience, net generally neglected, because ...
first miracle of the timber from the previous entry. Many Christian Spec what they pozawracałam head say that we can not afford them. And that the cost of heating the house nearly 300 meters in height is 3.20 spaces fortune. And that therefore they would have on our site that were not included, because the wooden house should not be terminated and the heated part. This way you can do, and himself, and his hurt. I had to say goodbye to the lodge. So we changed the option .... But more about that at the end.
A home sale ...
still clean up, solving the papers, talk about Magnolia, I receive phone calls, talk about Magnolia, I clean, Roch mess, once again someone has come to watch, clean up ...
But, despite the emotional typhoon and a lot of work is surprisingly good. It is true that I smoke half a pack of cigarettes a day, and yet almost no smoke, the Drugs and Kawka and fences only. And here I smoke as those who take the bus going to have ostatniutkiego maszka, and then a sigh of relief that once again were able to, once again managed to use the treasure to the filter, releasing the smoke in the middle. Each of these knows. It's really tough guys wink
Okay, this has not yet gone. But I happen to stop smoke. I think this goes ... But
supposed to be about selling your home. Various people come and sit at our round kitchen table and flow of the story. Our, their. We drink tea, coffee, wine, and we talked, we talked. I once had in themselves a so furious, of course, heavily camouflaged, the first of all with herself. Recently, just see it, watching herself in retrospect. And by that point of departure was thinking about people at least with suspicion. Sometimes malice. Uncool. Now, maybe some respect to itself, which finally lived to see, people like it. And it turns out that it works both ways. Ah, that modesty wink But the good, without hypocrisy will be, it is. " And these people, complete strangers, sit here for hours. We are delighted they are happy. And some just want to stay here. Cruel laws of the market and my husband will say-those who pay the most. I suffered, because it set its sights on such a marriage, but Husband opieprzył me lightly on the side, that the laws of the market and for the difference in price of these and those we do all the property, namely, road, drainage, prąd. Dla mnie to abstrakcja, te całe pieniądze, przejdzie to przez konto i nawet ich nie zobaczę. Zamienią się po prostu w dom, drogę, staw. Ale ufam Mężowi, jest racjonalny, a raczej potrafi być racjonalny, dzięki Bogu.
Wiem, że to może wyglądać niepoważnie, ale chciałoby się , żeby w domu, w który włożyło się kawał serca mieszkali tacy, którzy to docenią. No i zjawili się. Pan architekt, przeuroczy, pani architektowa, rodem z miasta Baku, oraz syn, Jakub, lat 10, natychmiastowy guru i półbóg dla Rocha. Co prawda Roch oblał pana architekta wodą ze szlaucha, ("To taki Zalt, Mr. Plose achlitekta ") but the same good-naturedly forgave him. A darowywał, looking as if zsikał. While waiting to dry pants, so it was not compromised, we made a campfire and baked sausage. I do not say you have an architect and Cuba have a trigger. And Mr. Roh told the architect of his heart. "achlitekcie Lord, I have doble Selce, as Dewey (This is our cat), but sometimes funny. as people pour water from a hose to my heart is funny, because Lobi zalty. "architect Lord understood this argument, and forgave the end.
The consensus is that on Monday at 1912 Magnolia cease to be ours. Today we are going to check out and for some time we will be homeless. Parents Mariusz unless we check-in. I do not even know, because I have not talked about it. If you want
/ want to sell my house, I can give some advice. I will say also that papierologię settle, because it is this from hell.
three basic principles: first
Must be clean.
second It must smell.
third We must arouse the sympathy and trust. So, be clean, smell wink not afraid to say about the disadvantages of home and how to solve them, and why we did not zaradzili (honestly-we did not have loot.) These principles are shared
my friend which in the present, a dead real estate market sold quickly and for good money apartment ("good money", discussion to determine wink)

That's it. Still can
that on Monday I will roar like a trumpet. We'll come back here from the notary to NOT OUR house. NOT our beloved magnolias. I must be drunk or something ...
A new house plan of the log. Bale come from Siberia, from the vicinity of Omsk. Maybe one of them was based on the battered Polish nobleman's. Or maybe one of them nasikał bordomordy guardian of that. On Saturday, we have a meeting with Mr. Zbyszko, which has a home place.
In the meantime, sit, smooth its little wall magnoliowe, some popłakuję but I'm glad that someone in love with her at first sight, as we used to.
Buuuuuuu ......


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