Sunday, February 13, 2011

Can I Get Human Papilloma After Kissing Someone

Mom is naked!

What is the intimacy of the Young Mother, indeed whether it exists? -I dare to ask. I do not think at this time only "unfortunate" breastfeeding, which (as everyone knows) is healthy and necessary for the proper development of ... blah, blah ... and this at the request of the child is to be used, but on the other hand, according to a large group of representatives of our species, should be hidden or invisible. No, for this kind of bond with your child in our family has passed for now.

Young Mom right to privacy does not exist at all, I dare to think beyond those few moments when her offspring is asleep, and even then it is not surprising pair of prying eyes, but have not fallen asleep, or just awakened. Mother's eyes while watching the situations in which one does not like to be seen, and located beneath the weirdest face formulate hypotheses okraszając them a thousand questions. Head of the eye does not understand that, along with the rest of the body has to go to his room.

You'd think that, I mean zdrożne situations, something unseemly, or less veiled or more of prudery. Do not think about naked intymności, or her sisters naked in the shower washing up, dressing up in the bedroom. The young mother
forcing children to share their privacy, not only with them, with the rest of the world as well. According to the little ones, the mother is a common good, maybe even the nation, and as such should be used. Made public, therefore, good that like shopping, if foolishly wants to try on "new article of clothing." Pull up a national treasure digging sadełka bellies and a dress (it would seem the proper size, but if przymałą). That is when a child leaning on the curtain roścież throws invaluable, "Mom, this man is looking at you." The nation thus becomes a public good, in addition, bent in the half headless but with a characteristically wypiętym Zadka.
Sometimes the branches intymności deprive the public drawing to light dark family secrets as "Mama burnt porridge," "Mama to paint in the bathroom" or treacherous blow at a sensitive point, "My mother has eaten chocolate." Children reveal the greatest secrets. Papugują faces, mimic facial expressions, mess up with quotes from the bearer of his sleeve. Mamin expose weaknesses, desires, all its intimacy to the smallest detail.
kilkulatka mother is publicly exposure. Deprived of the right to privacy, secrets, sekrecików, moments in which no one was watching and we can assume a comfortable, though they can not really an elegant pose. Becomes peeled from the intimacy and why it is not surprising in a tale of invisible garments, it is the child shouted, "'the king is naked!"


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