Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hip Tattoo Affect Pregnancy?

How to do it?

-How it's done 200 plus 40? - Dzidek asked.
-Oh, a long time to do it. -He said de Silva.
-Dad, but how is it done?
-What? - De Silva could not stop laughing.
- 200 plus 40, where is it done?
-not just to speak Polish. Ask how much it is I accepted .- the role of conciliator.
-Dad, how much is 200 plus 40?
-This is the 240th-de Silva became serious.
- Oh, and how it's done 1000 plus 3?
-Very long, oh long.

a decorative French
Combien ça fait? -How much is it? (Lit. How much does it?)


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