Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Ringing In Left Ear Means

"holy time" - Mundial. At number 13

I do not follow the tournament, but the external symptoms of the World Cup in football fascinated me. Geneva for the World Cup is alive if it was a feast of global religion uniting all residents in a ritual trance. Television, like a charismatic guru, hypnotize tysiące wyznawców. Wszystkie problemy odchodzą w cień, nic nie jest istotne, bo ludziki biegają po ekranie za piłką.

Genewa przystroiła się w mundial. W oknach budynków powiewają kolorowe flagi, nierzadko jest ich kilka, dokumentując korzenie mieszkańców do trzeciego pokolenia. Samochody, motory i innego rodzaju pojazdy jak np wózki dziecięce, są przystrojone gadżetami narodowościowymi. Na ulicach roi się od osób w barwach państwowych. Niektórzy noszą symboliczne koszulki lub są obwieszeni relikwiami mundialowymi;bransoletkami, chustami, breloczkami, czapeczkami i trąbią na kolorowych trąbkach. Others use the flag of face cover, proudly demonstrating his devotion to football. There are also those who, from morning to night, are painted on faces, forearms, or emblem. Total madness mixed with pride and joy. The streets of Geneva in all areas have been clothed in vivid colors, which could be the envy of even the trappings of equality. You do not even watch the events on television, to be au courant. When a match is:
-first team players parade represented the symbols and flags in the streets-you can see with the naked eye, the game that today Brazil Chile, Switzerland and Spain for example,
-then-deserted streets to say, the game goes
-from time to time, by the deserted Geneva to bring sighs, shouts, chants and the sounds of trumpets, which correspond to events on the pitch in the distant South Africa,
-on Finally fans of winning teams took to the streets and the horn, screaming, singing his pride to overcome the enemy to all and sundry.
Some migrants like the Brazilians or the Portuguese, after winning the match, they can ride any means of transport and the ostentatious use of car horns for a few hours and completely paralyze traffic city, which of course nobody has them for the wrong-we have the World Cup after all.

Four years ago, during the World Cup, arrived in the area. I remember the great impression they made on me: the diversity, the multitude of flags hung out (which often was not able to associate with the relevant country, especially Africa), and pride in their origin characterized by local residents who are largely immigrants. Then it struck me how much Poles are ashamed to be Polish, and quenched in us our national pride. Among my friends are a few people who do not take the travel literature in the Polish language, prefer something in English, so nobody knew where they came from. Ukuło my observation that the only group who is not afraid to openly boast of its membership, which flaunts the symbols are called kibole, often perceived as marginal.

Geneva flourished and manifesting the diversity of the state. Some of the represented nations are oppressed, affected by civil war, corruption penetrated about a hundred times the problems in Poland. However, their representatives are not ashamed to admit that what are indeed proud to dazzle. Ba, some fly phages, although teams of their countries have not qualified for the World Cup, because this time is special.
Are we really "The Poles have something to be ashamed of? Maybe just that we lack pride in being Polish?

Monday, June 28, 2010

Pregnant Collagen Lipstick

-Turn 13! - Dzidek demanded songs.
-And what is this song?
-wait for you. - answered the son, probably even the truth. I do not remember the title, my theory predicts that a lack of memory on this issue is the thud of a defect in the brain.
turned on the music. He sings the chorus.
-see, you sing that awaits.
-Who do you think of next?
-Who? For you.
-For me?
-No ... yes.
wonder if the author knows that it was me he meant.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hip Tattoo Affect Pregnancy?

How to do it?

-How it's done 200 plus 40? - Dzidek asked.
-Oh, a long time to do it. -He said de Silva.
-Dad, but how is it done?
-What? - De Silva could not stop laughing.
- 200 plus 40, where is it done?
-not just to speak Polish. Ask how much it is I accepted .- the role of conciliator.
-Dad, how much is 200 plus 40?
-This is the 240th-de Silva became serious.
- Oh, and how it's done 1000 plus 3?
-Very long, oh long.

a decorative French
Combien ça fait? -How much is it? (Lit. How much does it?)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Downy Chamomile And Lemon Verbena

niedoopisania situations.

The ups and downs in the development of two de Silviątek on people, there are moments of horror, of joy and laughter, which is not easy to describe. It gives them relish the situation, sometimes minka child, something intangible. Such moments difficult to document in words. Then the young mother the most painful lack of talent, but somehow I would not know how, like the mayor of Sienkiewicz's novel, which could indeed start from the infamous phrase, "like", but still not doing it already.

In fact, a lack of talent in the writing does not bother to continually tries to prove. It hurts to live but when commenting on the progress of the branches, I get on the transience, delicacies, children's helmets for connoisseurs of creativity, the narrative requires a workshop, techniques and lightness. However, the thing I do not lack is bravery and fierce desire to kidnap a goose chase, but in advance I know I can not go. The second feature that pushes me toward niemożliwemu, there is hope-winowajczyni including raw spot in the cheesecake, because I bake cheesecakes for many years with the same, the eternal lack of success, is tirelessly hoping that maybe someday I will come out.

Biedzę on for months more of this situation.
was evening and we put the younger child to sleep, and senior promised that he can still podokazywać on condition of silence. Suddenly I heard the melodic sounds of the harmonica. I know none of the songs do not resemble, however, were a pleasure to the ear. Mateo had to sleep, so taking a break from their operations Dzidka asked to stop playing music. Our older child is in fact controlled by voice, not just any parent, and what-not always true. This time, apparently did not think it was because I still melted melodious sounds around. Once again admonished Dzidka theatrical whisper.
-I do not play. He said the son-haunted.
Then he woke up in me Investigation gut. I checked Dzidka-actually played nicely, did not show any evidence that he was the culprit. I checked de Silva, because you never know what will dawn in your head aging male crabby wife at his side-not. Then I looked to the children's room. Mateo was sitting in the twilight, the rails of his crib. Adopted a pose like a decadent life of a prisoner or an experienced western and played the hero. The melody was rather romantic-sentimental, made up of long, quiet sounds. He composed perfectly with the situation of exile and loneliness. I
bard zawieszczył : "... each of you could, alone, imprisoned, thought and faith, and lift dump thrones" ... Or discover
-... great talent at the age of 1.5 years-"I said with a smile poets.

Our family life is full of klimaciki and delicacies, which can not pass, which of course does not interfere in making attempts to describe these wonders, if only so that their magic is not gone forever.