alternative universe tale about the Net.
Once upon a time was an alter universe Net. It was built of two-zeros and ones. The existence Necie manifested primarily through letters. There was a teleportation, can be found in a split second się na jego krańcu, w każdym jego miejscu. Niekiedy przez to jego skomplikowany ogrom wydawał się być ciasny. Nie było zmysłów, bo nie było ciał, istnienia obierały sobie awatary, obrazy, dawały sobie imiona nazywane Nikami , ale nikt tak na prawdę nie wiedział, czy widok na awatarze, obrazie lub filmie to prawda. W Necie nie było nasycenia, nienasycenia , fizycznego bólu, były tylko słowa o bólu. Przez to Netanie nie mogli obdarować się prawdziwymi smakami, dotykiem, mogli obdarować się miłością, sympatia lub nienawiścią. Kiedy ktoś pisał-jest ci zimno, it was not. It could not be. When I wrote-I love you, love began to exist. Therefore, in Necie were strongest feelings. Everything revolved around feelings.
in the net instead of the body ego existed. They were Nethaniah with a big ego, some calm and wise, others foolish, calling the war, the war in the letters, dumb, because what is saved, it is recorded as escapes are not spoken aloud the word. Others, however, the meek, weaker or timid, grzali in the strength of the wise, yet others, the meek, weaker or timid, succumbed to the ineffable power of stupid. The net currency was Right. Everyone wanted to be right. Possession of large amounts allowed the Reason of netańskim opinion to have power. A power tempted in every universe.
war broke out, battle, disintegrating communities in the fight for right, Nethaniah wanted wrong and wrong. They wanted the pillars are constructed of the letters has always put her right on top, on top of somebody's wrong. Built up from the right. Sometimes the midst of war's right, torn to pieces disappear, and Nethaniah still fought its own momentum, and anger, when he returned irreversibly to the entered letters. There were fortunately
multitudes Netan who wanted to be just enough reason, to be able to live with dignity, able to count on a handful best friends, a safe place. A drug
popularity was in the net. Many good Netanin zerojedynkowy turned into gibberish by its insidious activities. Net
it was the whole alternative universe, seemingly stable, seemingly safe, but one day came to an end the current ...
I try to find a place there.
In the end I invited the same in my house, one of the heads of the Hydra trillion;)
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