excellent mothers.
Be inspired it happens sometimes and me. Today's topic arose under the influence of speech cheaper We, We at Myszogrodzie and several other contemporary bearer of and heard of different content. Who is to blame for this situation, or what? Is this a conflict of generations, jealousy, or gaps in memory, and why "these modern mother so bad cope?
visited my friend's mom that the confirmation of stereotypes, began talking about their children and grandchildren. In short, you can create a picture like this: grandchildren of these women are great, but their mother-hopeless, ill-organized, completely devoid of common sense, whether the home instinct.
Kuma gossip, wring their hands, sigh. Dispute turns into a contest for the worst and the best mother a grandchild. It's not about the conflict in-law-daughter in law, but the extent of the relationship extended to all young women involved in the offspring. If there is no Examples of the nearest gałęzi drzewa genealogicznego, wyciągane są kuzynki, sąsiadki lub koleżanki z pracy.
Należy bowiem udowodnić tezę: "Dziś one mają łatwiej niż my, a mimo to, sobie nie radzą. Nam się udało pogodzić wszystko. Budowałyśmy fabryki, szkoły oraz mosty, wychowywałyśmy dzieci, stałyśmy w kolejkach, prałyśmy stosy pieluch tetrowych i dawałyśmy sobie radę. My byłyśmy doskonałymi matkami mimo wojen, głodu czy socjalizmu. A one nic nie umieją."
Pokolenie babcine bierze współczesne mamy pod lupę. Wyciąga się "nie wiadomo co" bezlitośnie, z dziką satisfaction that I found a bug that the "pure heart" is merely points out the child's welfare. Weight wine speaks for itself:
-grandson does not eat beets,
-another drink only water (grandmother pulls their hair out, because after all, tea healthier),
-young mothers lack of patience, and in memories of my grandmother macierzństwo a period of fascination over offspring when the ever-smiling pose captures the education of angel (napomknę that I have come across the same person that throws a curse in the direction of his beloved grandchildren, when marudzili in the store.)
-young mother is not with children to the doctor and does not justify its completion in medicine, because what she knows about the children there,-nothing, after all, a young mother
-use disposable diapers, when another mother complains that these just do not use diapers,
-children have too much toys
-too little going on walks,
-children are not taught to use the potty,
-young mothers breastfeed for too long or too short, or in bizarre positions.
If I did not know either of these classmates, or their families, could I would be willing to believe the stories heard, nay, perhaps I would be ready to give them the right. But remember that those representatives of the tribe is not always the grandmothers were doing. Someone beat children extension, someone neglected teeth and the child has a crooked smile and two dead ones, someone once again passionately daughter smeared with iodine allergy, which "do not know why" does not help, and even sentenced to an additional child portion of the stinging and itching. Examples could fall like a sleeve. At the end of the discussion
largest krytykantkę asked if he knew but one person, you can give me an example of good mother.
-do not have to be a mother excellent, only a person who simply copes with dziećmi.-rectified.
-No ... There is no such Krytykantka .- She said.
-This may not be in today's mothers is the problem?
-Ah, I just always something else to improve the representative defended .- grandmothers.
-Do you know the story so far knows of only one case, when Noah was sober, and the world was flooded. Usually the opposite happens .- I could still adorn the speech with a quotation from the Bible about way of applying loads on the shoulders of others, which alone do not want to even lift a finger, or a proverb, "He forgot how to steer calf was" But I bit my tongue.
What moral flows from this history and whether or not flow? -I am not sure. Morals are not my specialty, I strongly prefer trickle malice. However, myself and other young mothers, I wish more distance to ourselves and to the stories of the older generation. There is no perfect parents, and as you can see, with these good too different sometimes. Do not expect praise rather, because we all have a tendency to focus attention on the shortcomings, if the alleged error. Us proceed with our children the basis of their goodness. Do not let them sense of observation by others and cast the others krytykanctwo the upbringing of our offspring, because it only leads to complexes, guilt and frustration. But I guess better to have a defective happy mom than a perfect frustratkę? And the advice babuń are valuable if it is not too much.
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