Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How Bad Is Propylene Glyco

My personal hope.

Nadzieja umiera ostatnia, ponoć. Moja osobista od wczesnego lata przeżywa śmierci kliniczne ze spektakularnymi remisjami, podczas których ufnie patrzę w przyszłość, postanawiam się wziąć się z życiem za bary, zakończyć pozytywnie nostryfikację oraz schudnąć. Sęk w tym, że rzeczywistość szwajcarska skrzeczy, zwłaszcza od naszego ostatniego pobytu. Nadzieja się nie poddaje, lecz z roztargnienia, or from a deliberate policy, he gives some trenches to the other stick bravely. Sometimes dozes, or take the form of spores. It seems that slumbers, and as soon as the opportunity arises again persuaded me to jump into deep water.

Two basic, continuous objects are the sighs of my hope, growing orchids, and baking the cheesecake, which is from birth (and possibly earlier), I have outlined is not even a partial success. I have no hands or head, or another essential part of the body. I do orchids bloom, and can obsypania received flowers in my house, everything goes down. Are Jeno list. Hope in the orchid is not giving up. He urges me to buy new, to be replanted those who survived by chance staying under one roof with me. Not nadszarpnął her enthusiasm the fact that two months after I moved out, the flowers bloom lokatorce new apartment.
With my sernikami is similar, closer to them than the meats to cakes-just a total black puddings. Oh, and I was still around antytalenciem culinary front, whence again. Other things I go, with varying degrees of success it's true, but rather than face shield. A cheesecake is not, though I try, and now I am in subsequent trials. Ba, whether or not I act according to instructions sernikowych guru. Raw spot, always raw spot. Strange creations of form przypalonymi edges łypiące ominously from the hardened skin.

Recognition was a real nut to crack for my personal hope. A neighbor, who trying to get through the Swiss procedure for recognition of your diploma caught a depression, ulcers and gray hair, and is reclassified, the curiosity of inquiring about my progress. Relationships usually filed in a similar fashion: I received another letter that everything is progressing well, but this time you need to deliver this and that, to pass another examination, accompanied by an attestation from the Polish, etc.. Every time a neighbor waits for word "but", that is what came up this time. Oh, if I had a different degree, it would be fast and without any problems. From szumnego "Polish entry into Europe" (I use that term specifically, because the natives so they say, and bring my blood to boil) the procedures for the recognition of diplomas is facilitated, with the exception of the medical profession. And here is the rub with buried the dog, what breed do not know-cabaret Dydek is not explained.
my enthusiasm drops and rises. Sometimes I believe I will overcome bureaucracy and that it is the last obstacle to a few weeks later correspondence with the office she cut me wings. Hope the trains, but more often gets the collapse. Recently, I just hope he and przeżywałyśmy drop in form with a considerable lack of faith in their own strength ... I flowered orchid. Just like that, just cover her with the colorful flowers. For the first time in my life when the world seemed to me to be hostile. Hope she awoke to like after successful resuscitation.
-A did not speak. Let them not lose their spirit alive! - She said with force.
-So for what we take? Nostryfikacja, PhD, look for a job? - I asked.
-As for what ?!... For the cheesecake! - Hope She said with a twinkle in his eye.

PS. Just cheesecake bakes. Recipe and secret rituals by burning odczyniłam Sernikowego Guru. Until then, the dough is still smooth, though 30 minutes of overtime sits longer in a hot oven. Hope it does not lose the spirit and I think we have not yet.


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