Sleepless in Geneva.
can not sleep through the World Cup finals. I did not watch the match, or information, even so I know who won. It's Sunday, 23.15 hours and crazy ride through the streets, horns horn, instruments, and what you can. They scream. Cheer.
Our children can not sleep-bang firecrackers it raises.
-Mommy, tell my dad that there is a match and someone with someone winning a country that is to say, I do not know how, with another country .- Theatre Dzidek whisper informed me.
Mateo ran up to me for the seventh time this evening. He seized his plastic gitarkę. He began to accompany and sing something in the language of the Zulu-gula. I put him eighth time to his crib.
I went to the balcony. We traveled lane two cars, each in different directions. Both drivers were happy trąbiąc obwozili clustered extremely noisy.
-I am confident that Germany will honor the silence of the night .- I smiled to himself.
I remembered the evening four years ago. Just like today, we went into the mountains. When we returned home, accompanied us to the films atmosphere of catastrophe-total emptiness in the streets. Living soul was not even a single car on the highway. We had the impression that the human species totally extinct during our wandering Jura. We drove through France, the team fought for a world title in football. That evening was held the World Cup finals and we all watched it with bated breath, there was nothing more important.
Another happy team traveled pod naszymi oknami. Z tylnego siedzenia wychyliłam się dziewczyna trzymając flagę i krzycząc "Espana".
-Wariaci! ...Na pewno "moja Hiszpanka" z rodziną też świętują w Madrycie.- Pomyślałam.- Niech się cieszą, umieją to robić. Nasze dzieci i tak prawdopodobnie by nie zasnęły, bo straszliwie gorący (upalny) jest dzisiejszy wieczór.
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